Isn't this a wonderful photograph? In addition to the broken frame, there was mold and mildew on the photo, along with the obvious discoloration. It's exciting for me to see the original image come back to life. Oh, and check out the youngest child. When I removed the discoloration, I immediately noticed that this little squirt was very busy pulling up his (yes, his!) stockings!
Here's a take away for all of us: Looking perfect in our photographs really isn't very important. This one wouldn't have had nearly so much personality if this young child had been sitting there perfectly straight and still. As it is, it captures his personality.


BTW: Have you watched "Who Do You Think You Are" on NBC on Friday night? Not a bad way to spend an hour and may just help you re-think keeping all those photos on your computer. Sitting in front of a computer monitor simply doesn't compare to turning pages in a 100 year-old-book,or holding vintage photographs with names written on the back by your great-grandmother. The computer is a fantastic tool, but let's not neglect print.
(The reminder is for me as well. With digital cameras, it's altogether too easy to upload and then add more and more and more without ever creating any printed photographs. "Easy" does not aways equal "Good".)
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